Updated COVID-19 and other Respiratory Illnesses Management
Effective March 18, 2024
The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has revised its guidance on respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, influenza, and RSV, based on the updated CDC recommendations. The updated CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance, released March 1, 2024, utilizes a unified approach to addressing risks from these common respiratory viral illnesses. The recommendations were updated because of decreased hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID-19.
NYSDOH, in accordance with the CDC, recommends:
People stay home and away from others when sick with a respiratory virus.
In order to return to normal activities, symptoms should be improving, and the individual must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Once resuming normal activities, people are encouraged to take additional steps for the next five (5) days to curb the spread of infection. These steps are outlined here.
Families are encouraged to report any positive COVID-19, flu or RSV case to the attendance line at their child’s school. The Health Office will continue to monitor the number of cases and will notify administration and the Medical Director if an uptick is observed. Furthermore, please continue to follow the Hastings on Hudson School District Protocol for Student Illness.