Sophomore Class
The 10th-graders are asked to do an interest inventory to expose them to academic and career options based on students' personal strengths. Additionally, it will focus on personal interests and values, their personality styles and their impact on academic and personal decisions. Course planning with 10th graders will take place in early spring. The Program of Studies guide is on the School Counseling website. Counselors will work with students to administer a career inventory and discuss potential careers as well as discussing standardized testing, PSAT, SAT, and ACT. You will also have the opportunity to take the PSAT in the Spring. Remember, this is a practice exam that will help you to prepare for some future standardized tests.
Continue to keep your grades up. Grades, grades, grades. Consider your grades as your salary in a job. Your job is to go to school and your salary is your grades. The higher your grades, the higher the reward. An occasional low grade is okay, but you want to try to aim for something higher. If you're doing the best you can and you receive a grade that is less than what you might normally receive, that's okay. Students with an occasional low grade still have plenty of options. Work on self-discipline and time management.
Think about your Junior Year Courses carefully! Take some time to look at the Program of Studies, listen to the presentations in your classes about some of the offerings that are available to you, and have conversations with your counselors about your choices and opportunities.
Put effort into extracurricular activities. By the time you apply to college, you should be able to demonstrate depth and leadership in an extracurricular area. Think about what you can bring, not only to a college community but what you can bring to Hastings. How can you make things better?
Career Inventory Sites - Below are some free career inventory sites if you want to get started:
Begin learning about the college admissions process. Go on a college tour to experience life on a college campus. Speak with your counselor to make sure you're on track for graduation and to select the right courses for the college you're interested in. Get familiar with the general college entrance requirements.